
Precise fingers tap into the preordained.
I add water to a wound. It deactivates it.
Contact occurs in the shadow of what's actual.
Envision a cheek pressed to glass, its flatness
inactivating. A face is not a stylus, not a finger.
Facing down makes the head a weight.
Hair uncut since four months past is tucked
behind a ear and signals movement towards
a time long passed. Let’s say it was a decade.
Mess of adolescence—nothing better than
the core of morbid, sluiced with emotion.
Exhausted of sweetness and before a screen it sits,
feelingless, the texture of what was previous erased
by common sleep, and the threads of the cover of
a book unravelled follow that disfigurement.
It is necessary for the light to shine as that
and then as this, for the cloud to move,
could the sky not pause for a moment?
There is nobody better than someone
who isn’t the same, he says, hiding
the fact that what he means is that
there is nobody better than you.
Inverse, obverse, reverse
I think of flips and leaps
The wind blows and I know
the path I avoid is the shape
of my psyche and will bring
evil thoughts and loneliness

Sorrow so intense it feels like sin
In a dense bush it is possible to hide,
at least for this child, once curled in
sere grass, cheek to knee, knee to cheek,
smiling and waiting, smiling and waiting.
Am I in love with you, a being so substanceless?

*Am I so in love with you? *Am so I in love?

Pure surface in these folds, a little tightening

destroys you, or else places you everywhere.

I still believe in you, I still so believe you.
Aphanisis, what are you doing here?

Aphanisis, what are you doing with this website?

Aphanisis, why is the sky so blue and cloudless?
Phu, bhu, bee, fui, boi, bhav,
Breething makes a little cloud
Seething makes bubbles pop
Cloud and pop do not play
Pop was a disappointment
He made me bad and was
no moddle. μη φύναι.