Against Public Life

The Media

Tuesday, 8/17/21 at 10:03 PM
"Absorption of Water by Epiphytes" (1895), Wikimedia Commons.

I would like to compile a list of orchid-related online media that I regularly consume or recently encountered, and eventually map out and comment on the body of such work. Eventually, I will add a list of books, vendors, and other institutions relevant to orchid culture.


  • Attainable Green (a lot on deflasking and seedlings, some greenhouse tours)
  • MissOrchidGirl (a lot on individual orchids, repotting, general advice)
  • Howard Rice (very nice presentations of specimen plants)
  • Alma del Bosque (South American orchids, in Spanish)
  • Ecuagenera (You get to see how they grow their orchids!)


Orchid presence on instagram is extensive. I generally search hashtags of species I'm interested in. But it's quite difficult to recommend individual accounts, since very few of them have a distinctive visual style. I tend to like instagrams that share more of the process behind orchids in the form of photos of the grow space or other infrastructure, and which display the entire plant. I am seriously annoyed by photographs of orchids which only include a close-up of the flower.

Orchid Board

I like refreshing the "new posts" tab each day. There are some pretty knowledgeable regulars, and you can find some pretty elaborate posts about terrarium setups.

Orchids Forum

I haven't used this one as much for cultural information. Sometimes you'll find good photos of obscure species that aren't on Orchid Board, especially when Marni Turkel posts.

RVO's OrchidTalk Forum

A bit obscure, similar to the first two.


I haven't paid as much attention to this one. It's focused on paphs, phrags, and other allied orchids.


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